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Apply For Accreditation

The first step towards ACTEFLC Fully Accredited TEFL Course Provider status is for the institution seeking accreditation to submit a Company Statement. The Company Statement must include the following information:


  • the type(s) of TEFL/TESL/TESOL courses offered by the institution. 


  • a detailed breakdown of the institution's course(s) curriculum(s).


  • when the institution was established and the capacity in which it operates as a legal business entity.


  • a summary of key events in the institution's history.


  • a detailed breakdown of the institution's company structure and staff hierarchy. 


  • details of any past or current accreditations awarded to the institution.


  • the institution's vision for the next 5 years of its business operations. 


  • the reason(s) for the institution applying for ACTEFLC accreditation.


The institution's Company Statement will be assessed by the Accreditation Assessment Panel. The institution will be informed of the decision of the Accreditation Assessment Panel within 15 working days of ACTEFLC receiving the institution's Company Statement.


If the institution's Company Statement submission is approved by the Accreditation Assessment Panel the institution will be required to complete the ACTEFLC Accreditation Application form and will be required to provide documentation proving legal business entity status. Further documentation may be requested in order to verify specific information included in the institution's Company Statement.


The institution will also be notified as to whether an on-site full assessment inspection is required.


The granting of ACTEFLC Fully Accredited TEFL Course Provider status can only take place once an institution has completed all mandatory steps in the accreditation process. The accreditation process includes the full payment of ACTEFLC fees.


An institution that has had an application for accreditation turned down may request that the decision be reconsidered. This request should be received, in writing, by ACTEFLC within one calendar month of the date of the decision.

Normally such a request may only be made on the following grounds:

  • information that may have influenced an accreditation decision, and which was not included in the application, has become available.


  • information in the application documentation was not properly taken into account.


  • the accreditation process was not properly carried out by ACTEFLC.


The request will be considered by the Accreditation Assessment Panel who will consider the grounds for the request against the procedure followed; in essence, this will be a reassessment of the accreditation application. The outcome, including the reasons for the outcome, will be communicated to the institution. If the institution accepts the outcome the matter will be considered resolved.


If the institution is not satisfied with the outcome, it may formally appeal the decision by writing to ACTEFLC, within a calendar month of receiving the decision, setting out the grounds of their dissatisfaction and asking for reconsideration.


The appeal will be considered by an Appeal Panel set up by ACTEFLC which will be independent of the original Accreditation Assessment Panel. This Appeal Panel will reassess all of the information provided, including any supplementary evidence submitted by the appellant, and it can take evidence from the Accreditation Assessment Panel, to determine the processes followed and how decisions were reached. The Appeal Panel may uphold the original decision or ask the Accreditation Assessment Panel to reconsider its recommendation.


The outcome of the appeals process will be communicated back to the institution in writing.


There is no further right of appeal and no further correspondence will be entered into regarding the appeal.



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